Trégorrois Breton dialect

Trégorrois Breton is the dialect of Breton spoken in Trégor (Bro Dreger in Breton).

Distinguishing characteristics

Trégorrois differs from other varieties of the language in a number of ways:

There are several other pronunciation details. For example, an heol is pronounced /ãn heul/ (compare to the /ar mur/ of Kemper). This is possible in Trégorrois because the very strong aspiration of /h/ avoids any confusion with "l'huile" (eoul).

Finally, future endings are different. The future of Middle Breton was -homp, -het, -hont. Trégorrois moved from h to f (forms in -fomp, -fet, -font, etc.). (Compare with the forms -ahomp, -ahet, -ahont of Vannetais, due to the appearance of an -a- elision (pronounced /e/).

External links

This article is based on the French-language Wikipedia's article, (French)Breton trégorrois.

External links